Trading Co.

Shahbal Tejarat Taban Trading Company.

Agricultural Department

Many countries retain a range of barriers to agricultural imports, such as high tariffs and tariff quotas, so there are still significant distortions to trade in this sector. Agricultural exports frequently come up against these barriers and also have to compete against products that enjoy subsidies. This can put farmers at a significant disadvantage.

Three Pillars

Negotiations on agriculture are geared toward creating a more fair and market oriented agricultural trading system. The negotiations are divided into ‘three pillars’:

a. Market access

substantial improvements by reducing barriers to trade and improving rules

b. Export competition

including reducing and eventually phasing out subsidies paid to exporters

c. Domestic support

reducing the trade-distorting subsidies that are paid to farmers and limiting government price guarantees


Poultry refers to the raising of a variety of birds on farms for food, fiber, feathers, and entertainment. In poultry, birds like chickens, quails, geese, ducks, and turkeys are raised on farms. In most countries around the world, poultry has become a business. We use both eggs and meat of these as food, and they are popular in many cuisines. Along with pork, globally, one of the two most widely consumed types of meat is poultry.
Poultry meat is rich in nutritious values, especially with a high volume of protein. Poultry meat contains a low proportion of fat. In order to avoid food poisoning, all poultry meat should be carefully handled and should be cooked properly. Chickens, ducks, guinea fowl, geese, and turkeys are raised in both large- and small-scale poultry systems. However, pheasants, quail, and ostriches are raised only in large-scale poultry systems.


Livestock refers to the raising of domestic animals in an agricultural setting to obtain commodities such as meat, egg, fur, leather, and wool. Most of the time, we consider animals like cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs as livestock. But, in the United States, horses are also considered livestock. Moreover, it’s important to note that poultry and fish are not included in the category of livestock.
In animal husbandry, animals are killed not only for meat. Animals have many uses; for example, we can obtain clothing, fertilizers, and fuel from them. Killing the animal for food is secondary; when animals are alive, farmers harvest wool, egg, and milk from them. Therefore, livestock products give both food and non-food items. Non-food items include leather, wool, pharmaceuticals, and bone products.

It is important to maintain the proper health of animals in livestock. Good husbandry, proper feeding, and hygiene are the main contributors to health on a farm. Livestock animals are difficult to save from natural predatory animals like wolves, foxes, tigers, and leopards. Livestock productions provide an additional economic income for rural families. Furthermore, many studies have found that livestock may help the people in the non-western regions economically.

Our Agricultural and Farming Products and Equipment

Agricultural farming products and equipment concerns all tools and machinery used in horticulture and animal husbandry. A wide variety of equipment and products are required based on the industries and operations of a particular farm.

Introduction of Some Products We Offer in Agriculture Field

  • Farming Machineries
  • Combine Harvesting Equipment
  • Rotavator or Rotary Tiller
  • Plough or Plow
  • Seeders and Planters
  • Tractor Trailer
  • Power Harrow
  • Leveler
  • water bowser
  • ripper machine
  • disc harrow
  • Mowers
  • Irrigation Systems
  • Sprayer
  • Tractor
  • Shredders and Cutters
  • Fertilizers
  • Livestock and Poultry Feed